The Best Lightweight Pickleball Paddle for You

Looking for the best lightweight pickleball paddle? Do not underestimate this decision! Your paddle is an instrument that extends your skill and finesse on the court. Make a bad choice and get frustrated. We’re here to help.

best lightweight pickleball paddle

Why Go Lightweight? Unveiling the Benefits

Pickleball paddles come in various weights, offering distinct advantages for playing styles. While heavyweight paddles pack a punch for powerful smashes, lightweight paddles have become a favorite for many players, particularly beginners and those who prioritize agility. 

Let’s look at the reasons why a light weight or midweight paddles might be the perfect fit for you:

Enhanced Maneuverability for Speedy Reactions

The lighter the paddle, the faster you can swing it. This translates to quicker reflexes at the net and an improved ability to react to your opponent’s shots. Lightweight paddles allow for effortless swings, making executing volleys, dinks, and quick blocks easier.

Reduced Arm Fatigue for Longer Games

Wielding a heavier paddle throughout a game can fatigue the arm, especially for beginners. A lighter weight paddle feels less cumbersome, allowing you to play longer without feeling tired. This is a significant benefit for extended rallies and competitive matches.

Perfect for Beginners and Technique Focus

For beginners, mastering paddle control is crucial. The lighter weight of a lightweight paddle makes it easier to handle and maneuver, allowing you to focus on developing proper technique without the added challenge of a heavy implement. As your skills progress, you can comfortably transition to a heavier paddle if desired.

Top Picks

Onix Evoke Premier

best lightweight pickleball paddle
  • Weight: 7.9 oz
  • Balance: Evenly balanced
  • Material: Fiberglass surface, polypropylene core
  • Grip size: 4 1/4″
  • Retail: $98

HEAD Extreme Lite

best lightweight pickleball paddle
  • Weight: 7.2 oz
  • Balance: Evenly balanced
  • Material: Graphite / Carbon surface, honeycomb core
  • Grip size: 4 1/4″
  • Retail: $100

Vatic Pro Prism

best lightweight pickleball paddle
  • Weight: 8 oz
  • Balance: Evenly balanced
  • Material: Carbon Fiber Face, polymer core
  • Grip size: 4 1/8″
  • Retail: $140

Finding the Perfect Lightweight Pickleball Paddle: A Beginner’s Guide

Choosing your first pickleball paddle can be exciting, but with so many options on the market, it can also be overwhelming. 

This guide will specifically focus on selecting the ideal paddle to elevate your pickleball journey, especially if you’re a beginner prioritizing maneuverability and control.

Key Factors to Consider:


Lighter weight paddles typically range from 7.5 to 8.5 ounces. This lighter weight translates to faster swing speeds, allowing for better reflexes at the net and improved reaction times against your opponent’s shots. 

It also reduces fatigue during extended rallies, making the game more enjoyable, especially for beginners still developing their arm strength.


The balance point of a paddle significantly impacts how it feels when swung. Here’s a breakdown of the three main types of balance:

    • Head-Light: These paddles have a lighter head for maximum maneuverability and swing speed. They are ideal for players who prioritize finesse and control over power. The lighter head weight makes executing volleys, dinks, and quick blocks easier.

    • Head-Heavy: These paddles have a heavier head, resulting in more power behind smashes and drives. However, the increased weight can make them slightly slower to swing. More experienced players who have developed strong arm strength often favor head-heavy paddles.

    • Evenly Balanced: As the name suggests, these paddles distribute weight evenly throughout, offering a good compromise between maneuverability and power. They are a versatile choice for beginners still developing their playing style and haven’t decided if they prioritize control or power.


The material of your paddle affects weight, performance, and price:

    • Composite: This is a popular and affordable choice for beginners. Composite paddles offer a good balance of power and control, making them versatile for various playing styles. They are also typically lighter than wood paddles.

    • Wood: Wood paddles have a classic feel and provide good control. However, they can be heavier than composite paddles and slightly less durable. A wood paddle can be a good option if you prioritize a traditional feel over cutting-edge performance.

    • Graphite: Graphite paddles are the lightest option and offer the most power. This makes them ideal for experienced players seeking an extra edge. However, they can be more expensive than composite or wood paddles. For beginners still developing techniques, the increased power of a graphite paddle might not be as beneficial as the control offered by other materials.

Grip Size

Comfort is key! A properly sized grip allows for better control and reduces the risk of hand fatigue. Most paddles come in standard grip sizes, but some brands offer options for smaller or larger hands. Here’s a general guideline:

    • Smaller grips (4″ or less): ideal for players with small hands or who prefer a two-handed backhand grip.
    • Standard grips (4 1/8″ to 4 1/4″are suitable for most adult players.
    • Larger grips (4 1/2″ or more): ideal for players with larger hands or prefer a more substantial grip for one-handed backhands.

Additional Considerations

  • Skill Level: As a beginner, prioritize maneuverability and control. Focus on lightweight paddles with headlights or even balance. As your skills progress, you can explore heavier or head-heavy paddles.
  • Playing Style: Do you enjoy aggressive play with powerful smashes? Or do you prefer a more finesse-oriented approach with volleys and drinks? Consider your playing style when choosing balance and weight.
  • Try Before You Buy: Try out different paddles before purchasing. This allows you to feel your hand’s weight, grip size, and balance to determine which option feels most comfortable.

By carefully considering these factors and following these tips, you’ll be well on your way to selecting the perfect lightweight pickleball paddle to enhance your game and enjoy this exciting sport!

Onix Evoke Premier Pickleball Paddle

The Onix Evoke Premier Pickleball Paddle is a great all-around option for beginner and intermediate players. It’s lightweight and evenly balanced for easy control, but the fiberglass surface also provides good pop for powerful shots. The polypropylene core is durable and provides a good feel for the ball.

  • Co-designed with Pickleball Champions Matt Wright & Lucy Kovalova for enhanced power & precision
  • Impact Paddle Shape (16” x 8”) boosts reach & baseline power
  • Atomic13 Edge Technology reduces shock & boosts power and speed
  • DF Composite Face ensures soft, consistent hits without losing spin or pop
  • Precision cut polypropylene core for exceptional touch

The HEAD Extreme Tour Lite Pickleball Paddle is a great option for players who prioritize maneuverability. It’s very lightweight and has a head-light balance for fast swings. The graphite carbon surface provides plenty of power, and the honeycomb polymer core offers good feel and control.

  • Diamond Shape: Maximizes control, less material weight.
  • Lightest Extreme Tour: 7.2 oz for quick swings.
  • OTC Honeycomb Core: Slim, responsive 11.0 mm profile.
  • Graphite/Carbon Surface: Offers feel and Extreme Spin.
  • Comfort Grip: Enhances touch and control​

Vatic Pro Prism Flash Carbon Fiber Pickleball Paddle

The Vatic Pro Prism Flash Carbon Fiber Pickleball Paddle is a good choice for players who want a lightweight paddle with a bit more power. The carbon fiber surface provides a lot of pop, while the foam core helps to absorb shock and reduce vibration. The evenly balanced weight makes it easy to control.

  • Carbon Fiber Face: Toray T700 for durability and performance.
  • Polymer Core: Balances responsiveness and stability.
  • Unibody Design: Enlarges sweet spot, increases control.
  • Weight: 7.9–8.2 oz, suitable for quick swings.
  • Dimensions: 16.3″ length, 7.7″ width, enhancing reach and coverage.
  • Grip Size: 4.125″ grip circumference, 5.3″ length for comfortable handling.
  • Edge Guard: Anti-abrasion TPU for durability.
  • Aerodynamic: Promotes fast head speed and maneuverability.
  • Control-Oriented: Designed for precision and soft game mastery.
  • High Spin Potential: Excellent for aggressive serves and volleys.

Making Your Choice

Consider Your Playstyle and Needs

There’s no single “best” paddle – the ideal choice depends on your playing style and preferences. Here are some factors to consider:

  • Skill Level: Beginners benefit most from a lighter paddle (7-7.5 oz) for enhanced maneuverability. As your skills progress, consider a slightly heavier paddle (7.5-8.5 oz) for a good balance of control and power.
  • Playing Style: Do you prioritize quick reflexes and finesse shots? A head-light paddle with a larger sweet spot might be ideal. A head-heavy paddle can offer extra power for more aggressive players who like to hit hard.
  • Grip Size: Comfort is key! Choose a grip size that feels natural in your hand. Most paddles come in standard grip sizes, but some brands offer options for smaller or larger hands.

Don’t Forget About Comfort: Try Before You Buy

While features and specifications are important, comfort is an essential factor you shouldn’t overlook. If possible, try out different paddles before making a purchase. See how they feel in your hand and how they swing. Consider factors like grip size, weight distribution, core material, and overall balance.

Many sporting goods stores allow customers to demo pickleball paddles. Alternatively, you might connect with local pickleball players to see if they’d be willing to let you try their paddles.

Where to Find the Best Deals

Once you’ve identified a few potential lightweight paddles, it’s time to find the best deals. Here are some options:

  • Online Retailers: Major sporting goods and pickleball specialty stores often have competitive online prices. Look for sales and promotions to maximize your savings.
  • Brick-and-Mortar Stores: While online shopping offers convenience, visiting a physical store allows you to try paddles before buying.
  • Used Pickleball Equipment: Consider purchasing a gently used lightweight paddle from a reputable online marketplace or local pickleball group. This can be a great way to save money and find a quality paddle.


The Lightweight Advantage: Serve Up Success!

Choosing a paddle can significantly enhance your game. From improved maneuverability and reduced fatigue to focusing on technique development, a lighter paddle offer many benefits for players of various skill levels. 

By considering your individual needs and preferences and following these tips, you can find the perfect lightweight paddle to elevate your pickleball experience and serve up success on the court!


Frequently Asked Questions About Lightweight Paddles

How light is too light for a pickleball paddle?

For most adult players, a paddle under 7 ounces might be too light and difficult to control. Sticking with paddles in the 7-8.5 oz range is generally recommended.

Are lightweight paddles good for beginners?

Absolutely! These paddles are ideal for beginners as they are easier to handle and allow for better focus on technique development.

Can lightweight paddles deliver powerful shots?

While lightweight paddles may not pack the same punch as heavier paddles, they can still generate enough power for most recreational players.

Additionally, the faster swing speed of a lightweight paddle can compensate somewhat for the lack of weight in powerful shots.


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